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What is it about


Be part of a big art project from Switzerland starting in March 2016 and hopefully spreading around the world.

1. The goal is to collect pictures of all different kind of rooms and publish them as a collage. 
Living rooms, working rooms, kids rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, garages, ateliers - you name it..

Both inside and outside spaces.

Make a "roomie". Like a  "selfie" but without you!

I am not looking for the glossy Interior Magazine picture!

Show us YOUR room. The room you feel most comfortable in. The room that inspires you. The room which means the most to you.
Send us the pictures (you can send also more than one picture) with just your gender, your age and a note of which country of the world the room is located in. Anonymously. No words, no other information.

---> This will result in a huge collage of pictures.

2. Feel free to send us also "the story behind the scene". 
Tell us the story or situation related to the room pictures you are sending us.
This might be just a short story, something sad, something remarkable, something to laugh about, or something that makes you think. A short life story perhaps?
Again, we will not publish your name or Information about you. Everything remains confidential.

---> This will result in an additional blog connected to the collage of pictures that tell "the story behind the scene".

3. We’ll see…

But let the Show begin, spread the word, send me pictures from YOUR room. Let’s see if we can reach the


Send me your picture(s) with your gender, age and the country where the room is located

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